What is a Sandwich, The Best Top twenty types of famous sandwiches


What is a Sandwich, The Best Top twenty types of famous sandwiches
What is a Sandwich, The Best Top twenty types of famous sandwiches

What is it called a sandwich?

A sandwich is basically made up of two loaves of bread, one with something on top and the other covered.

" The thing between the two loaves is called a sandwich".

Historical Background of Sandwich

The sandwich is named after John Montague,4th Earl of sandwich, an eighteen-century English aristocrat. It is said that he ordered his valet to bring him meat tucked between two pieces of bread. In the US the sandwich was first promoted as an elaborate meal at supper.

Basic elements of the sandwich

Basically sandwich consists of four elements 

Top 20  types of famous sandwiches in the whole world

Sandwiches are loved all over the world. People in every country, city, and place like to make and eat according to their taste. Sweet, salty, hot, and cold are made in many ways.
1. Egg sandwiches
2. Grilled sandwiches
3.  Grilled cheese sandwiches
4.  Chicken sandwiches
5. Chicken cheese sandwiches
6. Pizza sandwiches
7. Vegetable sandwiches
8. Ice cream sandwiches
9. Club sandwiches
10. Fried egg sandwiches
11. Ham sandwiches
12. Meatball sandwiches
13. Cold sandwiches
14. Oreo ice cream sandwiches
15. Seafood sandwiches
16. Fish sandwiches
17. Prawn sandwiches
18. Tuna sandwiches
19. Salmon sandwiches
20. Roasted Beef Sandwiches

Why do people like sandwiches? 

People of all ages love sandwiches. Older and children like to eat it for breakfast, snack time, and tea time. You can make it for your children and husbands for lunch. If you are going for a picnic, you can make it and take it with you. During the summer holidays, most people go to each other's houses to spend their holidays. So you can prepare and keep fillings of different flavors.
You can make it according to the nutritional needs of the children. It is easy to make and eat. It also saves time. You can make and eat it at any time.  
This requires bread in your refrigerator. If you have bread, you can fill it with anything to satisfy your hunger. There is a good cure for hunger.
Both salty and sweet sandwiches are popular. Similarly, dessert lovers like to eat ice cream sandwiches in summer. Tomorrow The ingredients for a salty-flavored sandwich are almost identical. You can use them to your liking. Similarly, sweet sandwiches have similar ingredients. You can make any taste to your liking.

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